Your best plant care app helping your plants thrive

Experience the joy of thriving plants with Plantora - Your free plant identifier and best plant care app with plant diseases identification having a plant care guide.

Welcome to Plantora

About us

Welcome to Plantora, the free plant identifier app for all your plant care needs! Our goal is to assist you in nurturing your plants, ensuring their best possible growth and enhancing the beauty they bring to your life. With our best plant app, you can easily keep track of your plant collection, get personalized plant thriving tips, and connect with a community of plant enthusiasts.

Plantora Features

Plant Reminders and
Plant Reminders

With our best plant care app, you can easily add your plants to a virtual collection and keep track of their care requirements. You can add photos, notes, and even set reminders for watering, fertilizing, and repotting.

Plant Care Tips

Our plant care app consists of tips or guides based on the specific needs of your plants. You can also refer to our plant guide which provides detailed information on everything from watering to lighting to plant diseases control.

Symptom checker
Symptom checker

By using this free plant identifier app, you can find out which type of problems your plants are facing and find appropriate steps of plant care. This helps you to take better care of their plants and improve their overall plant health.


Use water, soil, sunlight, pot size, fertilizer and lux meter calculators to get to know how to take care of your plants properly. Learn about the best plant identification and plant diseases diagnosis which provides accurate conditions for your plant to thrive.

Plant Identification
Plant Identification

Do you have a plant but don't know its name or how to care for it? No problem! our app is the best plant identification app in the category. You can take a photo of the plant or upload a snapshot and easily identify plants with tremendous plant care tips specific to that plant.

Plant Expert Advice
Expert Advice

Our app features articles of different categories and also an option of asking experts on everything from propagation to pruning. You can learn from Plantora the best plant identification app which also includes a plant guide and takes your plant care skills to the next level.
