If you live in a sunny, open place close to a water source you might have seen a cluster of dragonflies from summer through fall. Dragonflies are beneficial insects that can eliminate tens and thousands of mosquitos daily. And you can lure them through various plants that attract dragonflies.
Dragonflies are often called jewels of the air. Usually, they lay their eggs in water sources like small ponds or water streams. But if you don’t have such sources near your garden, you can still invite these insects by growing plants that attract dragonflies.
Dragonfly-attracting plants can provide an isolated place such as spikes of leaves where they can rest and target their next meal. So, let’s check out some plants that attract dragonflies.
What are Pollinating Plants?
Pollinating plants or pollinator-friendly plants are an essential part of the natural ecosystem. They ensure the continuity of various plant species through the process of pollination. This process involves the transfer of pollen (the male reproductive cells) from the anther (the male reproductive organ) to the stigma (the female reproductive organ) of the same or another flower.
This transfer can be accomplished via winds, water flow, or various pollinators like butterflies, bees, and dragonflies.
Pollinating plants have specific characteristics that make their appearance different from others. They contain bright and large flowers with nectar, a sugary prize for pollinators. The relationship between pollinators and their host plants is mutually beneficial. In the search for nectar, pollinators come in contact with pollen that sticks to their body and gets transported once the pollinators land on another plant.
Pollinator-friendly plants are responsible for maintaining the population of a variety of flowering plants in the biodiversity. Without pollinators and plants, they feed on the ecosystem would suffer very much. So it is important to add plants that attract dragonflies and other pollinators into your garden.
10 Plants that Attract Dragonflies
Water Lily (Nymphaeaceae)

These aquatic plants that attract dragonflies provide them with a perfect place to lay eggs and a shelter for maturing nymphs to grow. Their large floating leaves provide a resting place for dragonflies and the fragrant flowers produce sweet nectars for these insects. Water lilies can be grown in a small pond or a tub. With so many varieties of species, water lilies can grow in many different climatic conditions.
How to grow Water lilies?
- Choose a suitable location such as a calm and small pond or large containers.
- Plant the rhizome gently in an upright position.
- Submerge the container in the water. Keep the crown of the plant above the water level.
- Maintain a temperature between 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit with full sun exposure.
Borage (Borago officinalis)

Borage is another herbal plant that attracts dragonflies. This fast-growing and easy-to-care plant produces beautiful star-shaped flowers. It blooms in mid-summer and is also an edible plant that gives the same taste as a cucumber and can be used in salads.
How to grow Borage?
- Keep the soil consistently moist during the early growing period.
- Provide full sun.
- Use well-draining soil.
- Remove any deadhead flowers and foliage.
Broadleaf Arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia)

These are other perennial aquatic plants that attract dragonflies. Arrowhead is easy to grow and produces heart-shaped leaves and beautiful white flowers that bloom all summer. Once matured these plants can turn into climbing veins. These tough plants can thrive in many environmental conditions and can also survive many light variations. Arrowheads are one of the best plants that attract dragonflies and bees.
How to grow Broadleaf Arrowhead?
- Choose a semi-aquatic location with full sun to partial shade.
- Keep the soil consistently moist during the growing period. If growing in a water feature make sure that the water level is just above the crown.
- Remove any yellowing or dead leaves to maintain their growth.
Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium pupureum)

This tall plant with a sturdy stem and a cluster of beautiful pink and purple flowers are native to central and eastern North America. Its nectar-rich blossom attracts dragonflies and many other pollinators. It can grow in any soil but prefers pH levels from acidic to neutral. This plant starts blooming in spring and turns well into fall. This plant is also tolerant of wild animals such as rabbits and deer.
How to grow Joe Pye Weed?
- Choose a location with full sun to partial shade, and use well-draining moist soil.
- Water the plant regularly during dry periods especially in the first growing season.
- Remove any deadhead flowers to ensure new and healthy blooms.
Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)

These plants are the perfect choice for someone who doesn’t have the availability of ponds or any other water source. Black-eyed Susans are dry-soil perennial plants that attract dragonflies. The large yellow or orange flowers with a dark center of this plant are rich in nectar that attracts many pollinators.
How to grow Black-Eyed Susan?
- Use well-draining soil under full sun or partial shade.
- Water regularly until the plant is established and develops a robust root system.
- Prune any wilted foliage.
Meadow Sage (Salvia pratensis)

This beautiful and aromatic herb blooms throughout the summer and into the fall and produce long spikes of small purple flowers. These plants that attract dragonflies and other pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds are very drought tolerant. Meadow sage also repels animals like rabbits and deer.
How to grow Meadow Sage?
- It thrives in full sun but can tolerate varying lighting conditions.
- Use well-draining soil.
- Water regularly until the plant is established.
- Prune any dead or wilted foliage.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Yarrows can be grown from seed or live plants and are low-maintenance plants that attract dragonflies. This plant comes in a variety of colors such as yellow, white, and red, and is known for its medicinal properties. Yarrows are easy-to-grow perennial and dragonfly-attracting plants that are tolerant to many conditions. It is also immune to many plant diseases.
How to grow Yarrow?
- Provide full sun and well-draining soil.
- Water newly planted yarrows until the root system is established.
- Prune any deadhead flowers.
Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata)

This is a water-loving plant that grows best in wetlands and shallow ponds or the edges of water bodies. Pickerelweed is a dragonfly-attracting plant that blooms from summer to fall producing small spikes of purple flowers with arrow-shaped leaves. This plant can be a great addition to your water garden. It is native to North America and can attract many pollinators.
How to grow Pickerelweed?
- Choose a location such as shallow ponds, marshes, or the edges of water bodies.
- Maintain the water level around the plant.
- Remove any decaying or yellowing parts of the plant.
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

These plants are native to North America and are great dragonfly-attracting plants because of their beautiful and showy purple-pink-colored flowers. These blooms grow from spring to late summer. Its beautiful blooms attract many pollinators. However mature plants can be munched on by some herbivore animals.
How to grow Purple Coneflower?
- Use well-draining soil.
- Plant them under full sun or partial shade.
- Water regularly until the plant is established.
Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)

This dragonfly-attracting plant is a native perennial that produces vibrant pink-colored flowers in clusters. Its nectar attracts many pollinators including dragonflies. This herbaceous perennial can make up a great resting ground for dragonflies and many other pollinators.
How to grow Swamp Milkweed?
- Use a sunny spot with moist to wet soil.
- Regular watering is needed during the first growing season.
These were some of the best and easy-to-grow plants that attract dragonflies. These pollinating plants are necessary to keep a balanced number of plants in the environment. Taking steps to create a pollinator-friendly garden can ensure a thriving and healthy environment. By incorporating these dragonfly-attracting plants you can not only create a beautiful outdoor garden but also provide a habitat for these beneficial insects.
To know more about such pollinator-friendly plants and how to grow them you can check out the Plantora app. This app can provide you with all the plant-related information and can assist you in many gardening practices.
Raghav is a talented content writer with a passion to create informative and interesting articles. With a degree in English Literature, Raghav possesses an inquisitive mind and a thirst for learning. Raghav is a fact enthusiast who loves to unearth fascinating facts from a wide range of subjects. He firmly believes that learning is a lifelong journey and he is constantly seeking opportunities to increase his knowledge and discover new facts. So make sure to check out Raghav’s work for a wonderful reading.