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Aloe vera is a very famous and commonly grown indoor plant. This super cute plant can be a great addition to many indoor and outdoor gardens and it is also easy to grow and a low-maintenance plant. Aloe vera plant care is easy and with the proper steps, this plant can thrive anywhere and provide numerous health benefits.

With over 300 known varieties these versatile plants feature thick or fleshy leaves with rough or uneven edges. This succulent plant also produces flowers with vibrant colors such as yellow, red, and orange. And even though aloe vera plant care is easy, these blooms are sporadic and indoor plants can take years to produce their first blooms.

However, these fast-growing plants can be very helpful and can be an attractive addition to any home or office space. So, let’s discover all the aloe vera plant care tips and tricks to help you take better care of your plants.

Get To Know Your Plant

ornamental plants

In total, there are over 500 species of aloe plants but not all can be grown indoors or outdoors. So, it is essential to choose the right one so you can take better aloe plant care. Out of all Aloe barbadensis is the most grown species and is favorable for many indoor cultivators. Other than this some other commonly grown species are:

Aloe Aculeata
These plants are mid-sized (3 feet) and produce thick, green leaves with thorns on both sides. They also produce yellow or orange-colored flowers and are native to the grasslands of Africa.

Aloe Brevifolia
Also known as short-leaved aloe these plants produce triangular leaves with bluish hue color and orange tips. Though this specie is only a foot tall its unique rosette shape makes it famous.

Aloe polyphylla
Also known as spiral aloe is an attractive succulent plant that also blooms yellow or orange flowers. These plants have a round shape (about 20 to 24 inches) and have green-grey leaves with purplish tips.

Choosing the right plant can result in better aloe vera plant care and optimal growth of the plant. Apart from these, there are many other options for you to choose from.

Selecting The Location:

potted plants

Aloe vera plants grow best in bright and indirect sunlight so it is suggested to plant them in a place with such conditions. A perfect balance of light is required for better aloe vera plant care. Too much light can damage the foliage while too little light can weaken the plant growth.

Potting and Soil Requirements:

The aloe vera plant has shallow and wide roots that usually grow near the surface so when the plant needs repotting it is advisable to opt for a wider pot than a deeper one. But make sure that the pot does not have any excessive room as it can lead to overwatering and then root rot.

Aloe vera does well in nutrient-poor soil. It is ideal to use a well-draining, succulent-specific potting mix. This mix provides good drainage and air circulation to the roost of the plant.

Aloe plant care does not have many soil requirements as it is a highly adaptable plant. The soil and potting requirements for aloe plant care are not at all challenging.

Watering The Aloe Vera Plant

aloe vera plant care

Aloe vera are desert plants and, therefore, are native to and arid regions so they are pretty low-maintenance when it comes to watering them. Though these plants need regular watering during their growing season other than that aloe plant care is minimal in terms of watering. Allow the soil to dry out in-between waterings as overwatering can lead to root rot.

It is recommended to set a watering schedule not just for aloe vera but for every plant. For aloe vera plants water every two to three weeks in the growing season (spring and summer). And, in the dormant season (fall and winter) change the schedule to every four to six weeks.

It is better to opt for underwatering than overwatering as these plants are drought tolerant but are susceptible to root rot. Also, avoid misting the plant as aloe vera primarily absorbs water through the roots and resulting in better aloe plant care.

Similar read – How To Water Your Plants?

Light and Temperature

Aloe plant care requires bright and indirect sunlight. So it is best to place it near a south-west facing window so it can receive natural light throughout the day. Though make sure that the plant is protected from direct light as it can damage the plant.

The aloe vera plant is generally highly tolerant of varying temperatures. However, they prefer warm conditions and thrive in temperatures ranging from 55 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate slightly more hospitable temperatures but not cold ones so protect them when the temperature drops down below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

In winter you can use artificial grow lights to provide the required amount of light to the plant. And, in the summer keep a regular check on the plant for any burns and scorch marks. Also, if the leaves turn reddish-brown it can be a sign of sun damage.

Fertilization and Nutrient Needs

The primary nutrients for aloe vera just like almost every other plant are Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. But what’s important is to provide these nutrients in the right amount and balance.

So, it is suggested to use a fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-40-10 or 10-10-10 to provide the right balance of nutrients to the plant. You can also use compost or worm castings if you prefer organic fertilizers.

Aloe vera plants can survive on minimal nutrition. But overdoing fertilization can cause burned roots and many other nutrient-related problems, this is vital information for aloe plant care.

Pruning The Aloe Vera Plant

aloe vera plant care

Pruning is an important part of aloe plant care. Using proper pruning methods can help in the better growth of your plant. Aloe vera plants require pruning when the leaves are shriveled or dead.

Always make sure to get a clean cut on the leaves while pruning. You can either cut the affected tip or an entire leaf from the base. Cutting the leaves from the base encourages new growth. Never cut a leaf from the center it is crucial to practice these methods for aloe vera plant care.

Harvesting and Uses of Aloe Plant

While harvesting always make sure to pick old leaves as it encourages the growth of new ones. These old leaves are usually present at the bottom or around the outer edge of the plant. Harvesting is an important step of aloe plant care so it is important to perform it carefully.

Also. make sure that the pruned leaf is healthy as it contains the most sap. You can directly apply the gel from the leaves onto your skin if you are treating a minor burn or sunburn. You can also extract and store extra gel for later uses.

Common Pests and Diseases Problems

Just like every plant Aloe vera is also prone to a few pest and disease problems. Aloe vera plant is prone to problems like mealybugs, spider mites, root rot, and leaf spot. So, regularly monitoring the plant is the key to better aloe vera plant care.

It is also essential to check for any symptoms and identify the disease in time to prevent any fatal damage. Mealybugs can be easily wiped away with a cloth after spraying them with water or insecticides. Mites can only be treated by pruning away the infested part of the plant.

Root rot can be prevented by adequately watering the plant. Aloe leaves are also known to bend and break when the plant is not getting enough light. By maintaining a clean environment many plant diseases and problems can be avoided.


By understanding the various needs and requirements of the plant you can take extensive aloe vera plant care. Even though this plant is generally low-maintenance regular checks and monitoring are required to ensure healthy growth. Adapting a care routine is always advisable and helpful for every plant parent and can provide good results in the long haul.

Through this guide, you can take good care of your plant. However, if you face any difficulties don’t hesitate to seek professional advice for aloe vera plant care.

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