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pencil plant

A beautiful succulent that adds a touch of exoticism to any house or garden is the pencil plant (Euphorbia tirucalli). This plant, also called the Milk Bush, Fire Sticks, or Indian Tree Spurge, is native to the desert regions of South Africa and India.

It is prized for its endurance and distinctive, pencil-like branches. Its drought resistance, low maintenance requirements, and striking visual appeal it brings to both indoor and outdoor areas are the key reasons for its popularity.

This complete guide will teach you all you need to know about pencil plant care and make sure it survives for many years to come.

What Is The Pencil Plant?

pencil plant care

The Pencil plant features fleshy stems and leaves (but typically small and short-lived) indicating that it is a succulent rather than a cactus even though it looks like one.

The pencil plant may grow to remarkable heights of up to 30 feet and widths of up to 10 feet in its natural habitat and environment. It usually reaches a more manageable height of 6 to 8 feet when grown indoors. Depending on the circumstances, your pencil plant may grow anywhere from 2 to 20 inches over the spring and summer growing season.

The milky sap of the Pencil Plant is toxic and can cause significant skin and eye irritation. To avoid accidental contact with the sap, always wear gloves when handling or pruning the plant. Also, keep the plant away from children and animals as these are not pet-friendly plants.

Pencil Plant Care

Here are some basic pencil plant care requirements –


This is a full-sun-loving plant that thrives in bright and indirect light. To continue growing healthily and retaining their vivid color, they require a minimum of six hours of sunlight each day. Indoors, place your Pencil Plant near a south- or west-facing window where it can receive adequate sunlight. A drab appearance and lanky development can result from inadequate light.

For better pencil plant care steer clear of low light levels as they can weaken the plant and increase its susceptibility to issues.


Proper hydration can ensure better pencil plant care. A common error that can result in deadly root rot is overwatering. For better pencil plant care water every two weeks during the spring and summer, or until the soil is fully dry to the touch. Put your finger approximately an inch deep into the soil to check its moisture content. Fill the pot with water, letting any extra runoff through the drainage holes.

This plant shouldn’t be left in standing water. Empty the saucer underneath the pot of any extra water.

Watering should be cut back to once a month or less during the winter. The plant needs less water at this time, and its growth slows down.

Similar read – How To Water Plants?


These desert plants can benefit from a sandy soil mixture that drains well. A commercial succulent mix or cactus is ideal. Root rot can result from thick, clay-based soils that retain too much moisture.

Temperature and Humidity

Pencil plants thrive in temperatures between 65°F and 75°F (18°C and 24°C). They are not cold-hardy and cannot withstand temperatures below 50°F (10°C). If you live in a region with chilly winters, bring your pencil plant inside well before the first frost.

Pencil plants thrive in normal indoor settings, as they prefer low humidity levels. However, to prevent fungal problems, ensure adequate air circulation around the plant.


Although pencil plants don’t require a lot of fertilizer, they do benefit from sporadic fertilization during the growing season. Apply a half-strength solution of a balanced cactus/succulent fertilizer. During the growing season (March–September), fertilize once in the spring or at half strength every four weeks.

Fertilizing in the fall and winter, when the plant is dormant, might be detrimental.


Your pencil plant’s health and form can be preserved with regular pruning. Before the growing season begins, in late winter or early spring, prune. For clean cuts, use a knife or clean, sharp pruning shears. Prune to minimize the size of the plant, get rid of any dead or broken branches, and promote bushier growth. To encourage new growth from the plant’s base, trim off any barren stems.


The pencil plant can be propagated easily from stem cuttings –

  • Take 4- to 6-inch-long stem cuttings from mature, robust stems.
  • Make the cuttings using pruning shears or a clean, sharp knife.
  • Give the cuttings a few days to a week to dry and callus. When planting, this helps keep rot at bay.
  • The calloused cuttings should be planted in a sandy soil mixture that drains well.
  • Keep the soil just damp but not soggy, until the roots are formed. Usually, this takes a few weeks.
  • Until the cuttings have been established, keep them out of direct sunlight and place them in a warm, bright area.

Common Problems With The Pencil Plant

Pencil plants can be susceptible to common houseplant problems such as –

  • Pests: Although pencil plants are generally pest-resistant, mealybugs spider mites, and other common houseplant pests can occasionally infest them.
  • Root Rot: Caused majorly by overwatering, root rot is another common problem with the pencil plant. Therefore, for better pencil plant care make sure to water the plant properly.
  • Dropping Branches: This can be caused by multiple problems such as insufficient light, overwatering, and sudden temperature changes.

Benefits Of Pencil Plant

Here are some of the benefits of this unique indoor plant, that makes it a perfect addition to any indoor garden setup –

  • Low-maintenance: Pencil plant care is very easy and this plant can be grown by beginners as well.
  • Aesthetics: The pencil plant adds a unique, sculptural element to indoor and outdoor spaces.
  • Air-purification: This is an air-purifying plant that can remove harmful toxins from indoor air.


For both inexperienced and seasoned plant lovers seeking a low-maintenance yet eye-catching addition to their collection, the pencil plant is a great option. You can guarantee the long-term, healthy growth of your plant by being aware of its requirements and according to these thorough care guidelines. Take caution when handling it, shield yourself from the poisonous sap, and appreciate the special beauty it adds to your house or yard.

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