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china doll plant

The China doll plant (Radermachera Sinica) is a popular indoor plant because of its low maintenance. Native to the subtropical regions of Asia, this plant is known for its dark, glossy, and broad leaves. This evergreen plant is fairly compact when young but can grow as big as a parlor palm or money tree and have a tree-like appearance as they have woody stems.

The china doll plant care is fairly easy and therefore, this fast-growing plant is recommended for beginners. This plant can easily add a touch of greenery to any indoor setup. As long as you are familiar with the basic requirements of this plant. However, keep in mind that this plant is commonly grown outdoors, and if its requirements are not met inside it can turn finicky. So let’s take a look at china doll plant care and how you can grow this plant in your indoor garden.

Benefits Of The China Doll Plant

china doll plant

Apart from having attractive foliage and low care needs, there are many other benefits of the china doll plant, such as –

  • Air-purifying Qualities: This air-purifying indoor plant can remove harmful toxins such as benzene, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde from the air and create a healthy indoor environment.
  • Aesthetic appeal: The China doll plant is a decor plant that adds natural elegance to indoor spaces. The vibrant leaves and woody stems of this plant look great on a tabletop, shelf, or floor.
  • Symbolism: This is a Feng Shui plant and is considered to be a symbol of resilience, prosperity, and growth. The China Doll’s delicate leaves and gorgeously green foliage represent growth and prosperity, acting as a reminder to foster our personal growth and follow our true desires.
  • Humidity Retention: Indoor plants help retain and regulate moisture through transpiration. Such qualities are well-prepared in dry climates.

China Doll Plant Care

china doll plant

Here are some China doll plant care tips that can help your plants thrive –


The China doll is a water-loving plant that needs regular watering. However, make sure not to overwater the plant. Water the plant only when the top 1 inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. This plant is prone to both over and under water, therefore, water the right amount each time and make sure that the soil is well-draining and the pot should also have drainage holes.


For better China doll plant care place these plants in a location where they can receive 4 to 5 hours of bright and indirect sunlight. South, east, or west-facing windows are perfect for this plant but you can use artificial grow light to fulfill this need of the China doll plant. Avoid direct sunlight as it can burn the foliage and also make sure to rotate your plant every week to promote equal growth on all sides.


Use a well-draining potting soil for indoor plants and make sure that it remains constantly moist. The soil should have a neutral to slightly acidic pH. Moreover, you can add perlite or sand to improve the drainage of the soil.

Temperature & Humidity 

The China doll plant can be fussy about the temperature, the perfect temperature for this indoor plant is 65 to 75℉ (18-24℃) as this plant is native to subtropical regions it prefers warm and humid conditions. Even though this plant can survive in dry conditions for better China doll plant care tries to provide extra humidity. Misting the plant can help, you can also keep a humidifier around the plant.


Feed the China doll plant with a slow-release, balanced, and liquid fertilizer suitable for indoor plants. For better China doll plant care feed the plant during its growing period (spring and summer) you can decrease the feeding once the growth slows down. Read the label carefully to know the amount of fertilizers needed by the plant.

Similar read – How To Fertilize Indoor Plants?


The China doll plant is a fast grower therefore, it needs regular pruning. You can trim the plant at any time of the year. Prune back the branches that have become leggy, are damaged, or dying. Pruning can help you control the growth of the plant and maintain its attractiveness.

Potting and Repotting

This plant hates being interrupted, so repot the China doll only when necessary. Regularly repotting the plant can lead to problems like leaf drop and slow or stunted plant growth. When repotting, choose a pot that is only 1 to 2 inches big. Moreover, instead of pruning, you can consider root pruning as well.

How To Propagate The China Doll Plant?

The China doll plant can be propagated using the division method. Simply cut 2 to 3 inches of any new growth from the base and remove the lower leaves. Apply some rooting hormone to the bottom half and place the cutting in a moist potting mix. Cover the cutting with a plastic wrap to retain moisture and place it in a warm and bright place. Check regularly if the cutting started rooting and pinch the tip to encourage branching once the roots are formed.

Read more on – Plant Propagation.

Common Problems With The China Doll Plant

  • Sensitive To Change: Frequent changes or movements around the plant can stress it. Therefore, for better China doll plant care try to maintain a stable environment around the plant.
  • Leaf shedding: The healthy China doll plant sheds older leaves quickly causing a bit of a mess. If your plant is dropping healthy leaves it could be due to temperature fluctuations, overwatering, or because the plant was shifted.
  • Pest Infestation: Many common houseplant pests such as aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and more can harm the health of this plant. Use neem oil or insecticidal soap for China doll plant care.
  • Slow recovery: If the China doll plant ever suffers any stress, it can take a long time to recover.


The China doll plant is a great plant to have in your indoor garden as it is easy to care for and features beautiful foliage. Moreover, the China doll plant care is fairly easy once you can provide the basic needs of the plant and not disturb it. So make sure to add this beautiful plant to your collection and use the Plantora app to learn more about such plants and how to grow them.


Can the China doll plant grow outdoors?

Yes, you can grow this plant outdoors or even move indoor-grown plants outside. Outdoor growing plants require sun with partial shade, regular watering, and nutrient-rich well-draining soil.

Is the China doll plant pet-safe?

Yes, this is a pet-friendly plant and is safe to keep around children as well.

Is the China doll a flowering plant?

When grown indoors this plant does not bloom. However, in outdoor setups, the China doll plant produces beautiful small white flowers.

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