We all know the many benefits of indoor plants such as their beautiful foliage, low care needs, and resilience against many plant problems. However, many Feng Shui plants can bring positive energy and fortune to your indoor spaces. These Feng Shui indoor plants are very easy to grow and have attractive foliage.
If grown at the right place and with the right plant care, these unique plants can help you manifest good luck. By applying the principles of Feng Shui you can create a beautiful indoor garden that can become your source of positive energy, wealth, and luck.
These plants are beginner-friendly and in this article, we cover everything you need to know about Feng Shui plants and how you can grow and care for them. So, let’s dive into the world of Feng Shui and create a harmonious indoor environment.
Explaining Feng Shui
An ancient Chinese method called Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”) aims to bring people and their surroundings into harmony. The phrase, which means “wind and water,” refers to the organic movement of energy, or Chi (Qi), inside an area.
Fundamentally, Feng Shui involves designing buildings—including homes, workplaces, and gardens—to encourage harmony, wealth, health, and well-being. To guarantee that positive energy flows easily and prevents stagnation, it takes into account the interaction of materials, colors, and orientations.
Key Rules Of Feng Shui
To create a lush and harmonious indoor space, there are some rules of Feng Shui that one must follow –
- Start by removing unnecessary items from your indoor space. This drives the flow of positive energy, poorly placed unused materials can disrupt positive indoor vibes.
- Place your key furniture such as beds and desks in a commanding position (away from doors). This also ensures more privacy.
- Use materials made from natural elements such as wood, metal, earth, glass, etc. Incorporating mirrors also helps in manifesting positive energy and reflects natural light.
You can also refer to the Bagua Map (feng shui energy map), to know more about how to utilize different areas of your indoor space.
Feng Shui And Plants

Plants are the best way to bring natural positive energy (Chi) to any indoor space according to Feng Shui. These Feng Shui plants are a symbol of growth, vitality, and renewal, therefore, they are considered perfect to enhance the flow of energy in your indoor environment. Here are some of the many benefits of Feng Shui indoor plants –
- According to Feng Shui, plants have moving and living energy that helps in removing blocked energy from one’s life.
- Feng Shui plants also bring the wood element that represents creativity, growth, and expansion.
- Many plants have protective and purifying qualities according to Feng Shui. For example the snake plant and aloe vera.
- Feng Shui indoor plants also help to improve your health by removing harmful toxins from the air. Many air-purifying indoor plants such as peace lilies, areca palms, and more can create a healthy and stress-free indoor environment.
- Plants also bring Yin and Yang balance that represents opposite but complementary forces working together.
Placing Feng Shui Plants
Different areas of your space can be utilized to attract different energies from Feng Shui plants –
- Living Area – Plants in this area can boost social energy and bring positivity to relationships.
- Bedroom – Soft indoor flowering plants such as orchids can improve romantic energy.
- Office or Study Area – Plants in these areas can improve focus, success, and creativity.
- Hallway or Entrance – By adding Feng Shui plants to these areas you can attract positive and welcoming energy.
Moreover, you can refer to the Feng Shui Bagua map to learn more about the kinds of energy that plants attract.
Challenging Plants In Feng Shui
There are no good or bad Feng Shui plants, however, some plants are considered to be challenging as they give away the sharp energy of sha qi, a concept of Feng Shui. Some plants such as cactus are recommended to avoid in Feng Shui to attract more positive energy.
Moreover, one should also avoid dying or decaying plants as they give away negative energy. Therefore, while choosing plants for your indoor space, consider the needs of the plants and your indoor environment and only grow plants that can easily thrive.
Furthermore, avoid bringing too many plants to your indoor space as it can attract excessive energy.
15 Best Feng Shui Plants
Here are the best Feng Shui indoor plants that you should consider growing –
1. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

These trailing plants are very easy to grow and care for. The beautiful heart-shaped leaves of the golden pothos are said to bring prosperity, financial benefits, and positive energy. However, these Feng Shui plants are toxic to dogs and cats.
For these plants use moist and well-draining soil that is slightly acidic. Moreover, the golden pothos thrive in medium to bright but indirect sunlight and provide high humidity for these plants.
2. Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

Even though snake plants have sharp sword-like foliage, they are still believed to bring positive energy cause these Feng Shui indoor plants are very easy to care for and have remarkable air-purifying qualities. You can choose from different varieties of these plants each with different foliage.
For snake plants use a sandy and well-draining potting mix. These plants prefer bright and indirect light, moreover, water them only when the soil feels dry to the touch.
3. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

These Feng Shui plants grow larger than most other indoor plants. Considered to bring positivity, peace, and prosperity these plants have attractive fan-like leaves. Areca palms also have great air-purifying properties.
Use well-draining and moist soil and water the plants when the top 1 inch feels dry to the touch. Moreover, provides medium and indirect sunlight to these plants with medium levels of humidity.
4. String Of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii)

The beautiful heart-shaped leaves of these succulents are perfect for creating an attractive display in any indoor garden. These Feng shui indoor plants are very easy to care for and can thrive in small pots for many years.
String of hearts are fast-growing plants that need bright and indirect sunlight. Water these plants once a week.
5. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

As the name suggests, lucky bamboo plants are known to bring positive energy and good luck. Lucky Bamboo are Dracaena plant that isn’t bamboo but due to their leaves that sprout from slender stalks. These beginner-friendly Feng Shui indoor plants are very easy to grow and care for.
To help these plants thrive use well-draining and acidic soil. Moreover, you can grow these plants in water as well, just make sure to change the water regularly.
6. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii)

These indoor flowering plants produce gorgeous white blooms. Moreover, the dark green leaves of these Feng Shui plants complement the flowers well. Peace lilies need more care than others to help them bloom. The white flowers of these plants represent balance and harmony, moreover, the leaves attract wealth.
To help peace lilies bloom place them in a bright spot and use moist, well-draining, and slightly acidic soil. Water the plant when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch moreover, droopy leaves are a sign of under watering.
7. Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)

Jade plants are also referred to as money plants and lucky plants because of their strong associations with success, prosperity, and good fortune. These Feng Shui plants have sturdy brown stems that resemble tiny tree trunks and beautifully rounded, coin-shaped leaf segments.
Every day, jade plants require at least six hours of intense sunlight; larger plants like some direct light, while smaller plants prefer filtered or indirect light. Water these Feng Shui indoor plants thoroughly and let any excess water drain from the container whenever the soil is completely dry. In addition to requiring little upkeep, jade plants are not especially vulnerable to plant pests or illnesses.
8. Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)

The money trees are popular and lucky office plants that are said to bring fortune. These Feng Shui plants are given as typical presents at housewarming celebrations, weddings, and business gatherings. The term “Money Tree” is derived from feng shui guidelines, which support the idea that the plant will bring luck and prosperity to its owner and the neighborhood.
Watering these low-maintenance plants should be done every one to two weeks. The money tree thrives at room temperature with access to bright, filtered light and prefers moderate to high humidity.
9. Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)

With its thick, glossy leaves that are striped in purple, the Rubber Tree is the ideal tiny plant for feng shui. You can utilize the gently curled leaves of these Feng Shui plants to soften harsh areas of your house. Due to their extreme thirst, these tropical plants require regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist. Because it performs poorly in low light, it is not the best option for apartments.
The Rubber Plant is said to draw luck, prosperity, and success according to feng shui.
10. Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

One of the most common Feng Shui indoor plants is the Chinese Money Plant. It is said to bring wealth and good fortune. Additionally, your pet won’t suffer any harm from these pet-friendly plant species.
If you’re looking for a lucky office desk plant, these money feng shui plants are also a fantastic option. Warm temperatures, high humidity, weekly watering, and medium-to-bright indirect sunshine are all preferred by the Chinese money plant.
11. Peacock Plant (Calathea makoyana)

The leaves of all Calathea varieties appear to have been painted, but the peacock plant (Calathea makoyana) is particularly adept at that appearance.
In addition to their capacity to promote abundance, success, and positive energy, the broad, rounded, delicate leaves make these Feng Shui plants a great choice. The leaves may unfurl in the early sun after folding inward in the evening to display a purple underside.
Read more about – Peacock Plant Care.
12. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Mill.)

Aloe Vera is one of the most popular interior feng shui plants due to its low maintenance requirements. This feng shui plant helps to drive out negative energy and bad luck. Three feet or fewer from your computer is the ideal distance for this plant to filter electromagnetic waves. Moreover, these herbal plants are used to treat many skin conditions.
Aloe Vera prefers full sun for at least six to eight hours each morning. In general, for better aloe plant care, water the plant when the soil is completely dry.
13. Orchids (Orchidaceae)

One of the greatest Feng Shui plants for bringing luck is this one. Additionally, they infuse the house with abundance and good vibes. These Feng Shui indoor plants are regarded as a representation of spiritual development. Orchid requires different maintenance than other plants. They should ideally be kept out of direct sunlight but in an area with plenty of light.
Moreover, orchids should also be in an area with adequate ventilation. Extreme temperatures are too harsh for orchids to survive. Since this kind of plant needs consistent humidity, for better orchid plant care you can use a humidifier to keep it in a more humid environment if you don’t live in a humid zone. Furthermore, orchids should be watered with filtered or bottled water.
14. Birds Of Paradise Plant (Strelitzia nicolai)

Wonderful front-house lucky plants, Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) welcome happiness, good fortune, and luck. They also make fantastic gifts of faithfulness in love and represent freedom and excitement.
When watered once a week, these good energy plants have colorful banana-like leaves and eye-catching blossoms. These low-maintenance plants thrive in room temperatures without extra humidity and love many hours of strong, direct sunshine.
15. Lemon Tree (Citrus Limon)

Citrus trees in pots are regarded as a sign of joy in Japan. The Buddhist concept that the tree offers prosperity and serenity to mankind is thought to be the source of the custom. The citrus fruit is a representation of wealth and success. Chinese culture frequently uses citrus trees as a lucky charm.
Because these Feng Shui plants create oxygen and enhance the quality of the air, citrus trees are beneficial to the environment. By absorbing sound waves from loud disturbances like traffic, they also lessen noise pollution. Because they contain antioxidants and vitamin C, these fruiting plants are also beneficial to your health.
Using Feng Shui to incorporate plants into your house is an easy yet effective technique to improve well-being, peace, and prosperity. Every plant has a distinct energy that affects several facets of life, ranging from success and prosperity to leisure and love. You may create a harmonious, lively setting that encourages positive energy and a closer relationship with nature by carefully selecting and positioning Feng Shui plants.
Keep in mind that healthy plants represent expansion and abundance, whereas unhealthy or neglected plants might obstruct good chi. The correct plants can have a significant impact on your goals, whether they be to build relationships, bring good fortune, or create a tranquil haven.
1. Which plant is most effective in drawing wealth?
Jade plants (Crassula ovata) and money trees (Pachira aquatica) are common selections for drawing wealth. Their wealth-boosting influence is enhanced when you place them in the southeast corner of your house or place of business.
2. Can I have plants that promote feng shui in my bedroom?
Yes, but to encourage rest and positive connections, pick soft, soothing plants like orchids, or peace lilies. Steer clear of cacti and other prickly plants, as they might produce too much Yang energy and interfere with sleep.
3. Does Feng Shui suffer when artificial plants are used?
Although artificial plants don’t have the same vital energy (Chi) as real plants, well-made, properly cared-for fake plants can nonetheless be aesthetically pleasing. Steer clear of fake plants that are dirty, faded, or of poor quality, as they symbolize stagnated energy.
4. Where should I put my Feng Shui plants for best results?
- Wealth area (Southeast): Lucky bamboo, money tree.
- Relationships & Love (Southwest): Peace blooms and orchids.
- Health & Family (East): Areca palm, rubber plant.
- Career & Achievement (North): Pothos, snake plant.
- Entryways: Jade and snake plants (to draw positive energy).
Raghav is a talented content writer with a passion to create informative and interesting articles. With a degree in English Literature, Raghav possesses an inquisitive mind and a thirst for learning. Raghav is a fact enthusiast who loves to unearth fascinating facts from a wide range of subjects. He firmly believes that learning is a lifelong journey and he is constantly seeking opportunities to increase his knowledge and discover new facts. So make sure to check out Raghav’s work for a wonderful reading.